The Loudoun Film Festival
The LIFE Fest is on temporary hiatus, until travel and viewership further normalize. We will monitor protocols as they unfold, going forward. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please consider our umbrella of GO Film Festivals to submit your work in 2022!
-Team LIFE
Purchase Tickets NOW!
$5 per Screening Block / $15 for all Screening Access (11 hours!)

Park rangers, Lyle and Victor, just want their elite, invitation-only hunter's weekend event to go well, but when hunters start turning up dead, they must race to find the killer before they become the next victims. This micro-budget mockumentary style, dark comedy was shot in the woods of Virginia, in six days, with a crew of five people

Nearly everyone has either known someone or directly suffered from domestic violence, albeit physically, emotionally or verbally. This story tells the rather gruesome and unfortunate tale of yet more disturbing and senseless acts of domestic violence and the people affected.

Dominika Kulczyk reaches out to Papua New Guinea, where she meets local people who have killed others, including children, in order to follow their local practices.

A comedy about a toxic family situation with a splash of Holy water and a twist of lime!!!

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and a wind generator mechanic believes this even applies apocalyptically to windmills.